The International Economic Forum “Innovations. Investment. Prospects”

From May 16th till May 17th, 2019 the VIII International Economic Forum “Innovations. Investment. Prospects” was held in the Summer Amphitheater. One of its organizers was the Administration of FEZ “Vitebsk”.
At the invitation of the Administration of FEZ “Vitebsk” the Forum was attended by more than 40 people form Belarus, Russia, Germany, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Sweden and China.
With the help of the official representative of the Administration of FEZ “Vitebsk” in Asia, and Middle East Mr. Priyanshu Jha delegations from India, Sri-Lanka, Australia and Italy were able to actively participate in the Forum.
During the expo a number of FEZ “Vitebsk” residents were able present their industrial potential, namely “Vitebskdrev” OJSC, UE “Polymerconstruction”, “Vitebsk Carpets” OJSC, “Vityas” OJSC, PA “Energocomplekt” LLC, “Manuli Hydraulics Manufacturing Bel” JLLC, “Izmeritel” OJSC, “Novopolotsk Metal Structures Plant” JLLC, “Display” Design Office JSC, “MODERN-EXPO” LLC, “Orsha Linen Mill” RUPTE, “Plant “Legmash” JSC, “Polotsk-Steklovolokno” JSC and “Orshanskiy Instrumentalniy Zavod” OJSC.
During the panel discussion “FEZ as a Favorable Platform for Implementing Investment Projects” the Administration of FEZ “Vitebsk” signed two cooperation agreements: with the Energy Association of BRICS and Borovtsov & Salei Law Firm.
Moreover, the Administration of FEZ “Vitebsk” and the Polish company FASING S.A. signed a memorandum of understanding regarding the implementation of an investment project (production of metal chains and components for mining industry) within FEZ “Vitebsk” territory.