Administration of FEZ “Vitebsk” Attended The International MUSIAD EXPO As Well As The Belarusian-Turkish Business Investment Forum

During November 2-5, 2022 Administration of FEZ “Vitebsk” was attending the International MUSIAD EXPO and the Belarusian-Turkish Business Investment Forum in Istanbul, Türkiye.

MUSIAD EXPO is the leading multi-industry international exhibition and business forum of the Independent Industrialists and Businessmen’s Association of Türkiye MUSIAD and is held twice a year in association with the Turkish government.

During the Forum Mikhail Skurat, the Head of Administration, participated in a business dialogue titled “Examples of Investment Projects in Türkiye and Belarus”, a panel discussion “Doing Business – Government Support and Special Terms for Investors”, as well as presented the opportunities provided by the Free Economic Zone “Vitebsk”.

Administration of FEZ “Vitebsk” and the Turkish Society of Councilors Mayors TÜRKBEL signed a Cooperation Agreement.

The event also offered an opportunity to conduct negotiations with members of Turkish and international business who were interested in further cooperation with Administration of FEZ “Vitebsk”, to discuss possible interactions with Turkish direct investment funds and experts in the field of international investment.

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