
Mikhail Skurat
Mikhail Skurat

Head of the Administration

Phone: +375 (212) 65-30-40

Reception days: Wed. 08:30–13:30, Fri 08:30–10:30

Cabinet No.: 21

Yulia Mikolaychik
Yulia Mikolaychik

Deputy Head of Administration

Phone: +375 212 65-30-41

Reception days: Mon. 15:00 - 17:00, Thu 08:30 - 10:30

Vitaly Loban
Vitaly Loban

Deputy Head of Administration

Phone: +375 (212) 65-30-42

Reception days: Tue 08:30–10:30, Fri 15:00–17:00

Cabinet No.: 22

Yury Snegovskoi
Yury Snegovskoi

Head of the Department of Investments, Foreign Economic Relations and Economic Analysis

Andrey Navoikov
Andrey Navoikov

Head of the Legal Department

Sergey Kalinovsky
Sergey Kalinovsky

Head of the FEZ Development and Maintenance Department

Olga Nikiforova
Olga Nikiforova

Chief Accountant — Head of the Accountancy Sector

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