State registration and liquidation
Before submission to the registration authority of documents for state registration, the property owner, founders (members) of the commercial organization being created must:
- confirm the name of the commercial organization with the registration authority ( Vitebsk, Pervaya Zhurzhevskaya Str., 4);
- determine the intended location of the commercial organization; make a decision on establishment of a commercial organization and prepare its charter (constituent agreement — for a commercial organization acting solely on the basis of the constituent agreement).
The authorized capital of the commercial organization must be declared in Belarusian rubles.
The authorized capital of a commercial organization declared in the charter (constituent agreement — for a commercial organization acting only on the basis of the constituent agreement) shall be formed within twelve months from the date of state registration of this organization, unless otherwise established by legislative acts or a shorter period for formation of the capital determined by the charter (constituent agreement — for a commercial organization acting only on the basis of the constituent agreement).
When paying up of a contribution to the authorized capital of the commercial organization in foreign currency in the manner prescribed by the laws, it shall be recalculated at the official exchange rate of the Belarusian ruble to the relevant foreign currency established by the National Bank as of the date of this contribution.
When forming the authorized capital by paying up of a non-monetary contribution — assess the value of a non-monetary contribution, while in case of an independent assessment of the value of the non-monetary contribution paid up to the authorized capital of the commercial organization, reliability of this assessment shall not be examined.
Approval of names of legal entities
The following applicants may apply to the registration authority to coordinate the names of legal entities:
- in respect of legal entities created by the property owner (founder) being an individual, — an individual or its representative, acting on the basis of the power of attorney;
- in relation to existing legal entities created by the fou — the head of this legal entity or other person authorized in accordance with the constituent document or power of attorney to act on behalf of this legal entity.
- in relation to existing legal entities — the head of this legal entity or other person authorized in accordance with the constituent document or power of attorney to act on behalf of this legal entity.
Approval of the name can be carried out as follows:
- personal application of the applicant to the registration authority with the presentation of the applicant’s identification document;
- sending documents via e-mail;
- submission by the applicant of documents in electronic form in accordance with the procedure established by the Regulations on procedure for approval of names of commercial and non-commercial organizations, approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated 05.02.2009 No. 154 (as amended by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated August 18, 2014 No. 799).
Before appealing to the registration authority, the applicant can verify the selected name using the list of approved (reserved) names of legal entities that are posted on the web portal of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs (
Approval of names shall be carried out both when the applicant makes a personal appeal with the presentation of the applicant’s identification document, and when sending documents via e-mail.
For approval of the name into the registration authority by applicants, the following documents shall be submitted:
- application for approval of the name of a legal entity, with personal appeal of the applicant or by sending documents via e-mail;
- a copy of the document confirming in the established procedure the applicant’s powers, in case of presentation of documents by representatives of a legal entity or individual;
- permits to use surnames, pseudonyms of famous persons or use of names in cases established by the laws.
Approval of the name in electronic form shall be carried out by filling in the open part of the web portal of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs ( of an interactive application form established by the Ministry of Justice.
For state registration of commercial and non-commercial organizations, the potential resident of FEZ “Vitebsk” shall submit the following:
- application for state registration;
- charter (constituent agreement — for a commercial organization acting only on the basis of the constituent agreement) in two copies without notarial certification, its electronic copy (in .doc, .rtf format);
- legalized extract from the trade register of the country of establishment or other equivalent proof of the organization legal status in accordance with the laws of the country of its establishment or a notarized copy of the specified documents (the extract must be dated no later than one year before the date of filling of the application for state registration) with translation into Belarusian or Russian (the translator’s signature shall be notarized) — for the property owner, founders, which are foreign organizations;
- a copy of an identification documen with translation into Belarusian or Russian (the translator’s signature shall be notarized) — for the property owner, founders, which are foreign individuals;
- original or copy of payment document confirming payment of a state fee (in the amount of 1 basic amount);
- the original certificate of state registration of the reorganized organization in the event of reorganization in the form of merger or demerger.
For state registration of amendments and (or) additions introduced to the charters of commercial and non-commercial organizations (constituent agreements — for commercial organizations acting solely on the basis of constituent agreements), the residents of FEZ “Vitebsk” shall submit:
- application for state registration of amendments and (or) additions;
- amendments and (or) additions in two copies, which should be executed in the form of annexes to the charter (constituent agreement — for a commercial organization acting solely on the basis of the constituent agreement), without notarial certification, their electronic copy (in .doc or .rtf format ). Upon the request of a commercial, non-commercial organization, the charter (constituent agreement) may be submitted in a new wording;
- the original of the certificate of state registration in the event of change of the organization name, the original of the certificate of state registration of the affiliated organization in the event of reorganization in the form of affiliation, the original of the certificate of state registration in the event of reorganization of the organization in the form of transformation;
- legalized extract from the trade register of the country of establishment or other equivalent proof of the organization legal status in accordance with the laws of the country of its establishment or a notarized copy of the specified documents (the extract must be dated no later than one year before the date of filling of the application for state registration) with translation into Belarusian or Russian (the translator’s signature shall be notarized) — in case of change in the property owner, change in members, if a new property owner, member is a foreign organization;
- a copy of the identification document with translation into Belarusian or Russian (the translator’s signature shall be notarized) — in case of change of the property owner, change in members, if a new property owner, member is a foreign individual;
- original or copy of the payment document confirming the payment of a state fee (in the amount of 1 basic amount).
In case of change of the name, change of the property owner or change in members of the organization (except for joint stock companies, owner’s associations, consumer cooperatives, gardeners’ partnerships, associations (unions), state associations, chambers of commerce and industry), commercial and non-commercial organizations must within two months contribute to their charters (constituent agreements — for commercial organizations, acting solely on the basis of constituent agreements), amendments and (or) additions and submit them for state registration.
Commercial organizations that failed to form the authorized capital within 12 months from the date of state registration must, within two months, introduce amendments to their charters (constituent agreements for commercial organizations acting solely on the basis of constituent agreements) in terms of reduction of the originally announced amount of the authorized capital up to its actually formed amount.
In the event of change of the location of a commercial, non-commercial organization, appointment (replacement) of the head (other person authorized to act on behalf of the organization in accordance with the constituent documents), this organization within 10 working days from the date of change of location, appointment (replacement) of the head shall be obliged to send to the registration authority a notification in the form established by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus.
Rates of a state fee for state registration
FEZ “Vitebsk” informs that from May 28, 2018 a state dee in the field of state registration of economic entities for the following services shall be paid:
- registration of a legal entity (individual entrepreneur);
- state registration of amendments and (or) additions introduced to the charter of a legal entity (amendments introduced to the certificate of state registration of an individual entrepreneur);
- issue of a duplicate of the certificate of state registration of a legal entity (individual entrepreneur);
- information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs, upon the request of the applicant, can be provided through the Unified Settlement Information Space (ERIP), in this case the original or copy of the payment document confirming the payment of a state fee shall not be submitted to the registration authority.

The way to services in the field of state registration in ERIP tree — FEZ
Relevant service codes and their placement in ERIP service tree:
FEZ “Vitebsk” administration | Registration of an individual | 4450281 |
FEZ “Vitebsk” administration | Amendments to the certificate of an individual entrepreneur | 4450291 |
FEZ “Vitebsk” administration | Duplicate of the certificate of an individual entrepreneur | 4450301 |
FEZ “Vitebsk” administration | Legal entity registration | 4450361 |
FEZ “Vitebsk” administration | Extract from the Unified State Register | 4450351 |
FEZ “Vitebsk” administration | Registration of legal entity | 4450321 |
FEZ “Vitebsk” administration | Amendments to the charter of legal entity | 4450331 |
FEZ “Vitebsk” administration | Duplicate of the certificate of legal entity | 4450341 |
FEZ “Vitebsk” administration | Extract from the Unified State Register | 4450311 |
Approval of a legal entity name in electronic form
The name shall be approved in electronic form through the web portal of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs ( (hereinafter referred to as the Web Portal) in relation to legal entities registered in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated January 16, 2009 No. 1 “On State Registration and Liquidation of Economic Entities”: еconomic partnerships and companies, unitary enterprises, production cooperatives, state associations, peasant (farm) enterprises, associations (unions), consumer cooperatives (ZhSPK, GSPK, gasification cooperatives, etc.), gardeners’ partnerships, institutions, owner partnerships; individual entrepreneurs.
To complete an electronic application for approval of the legal entity name, the applicant is required to:
- be a resident of the Republic of Belarus (these are citizens of the Republic of Belarus, as well as foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in the Republic of Belarus, legal entities established in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Belarus, located in the Republic of Belarus);
- have access to the Internet;
- purchase of a personal key of electronic digital signature (EDS) for electronic approval of the legal entity name is not required.
At the same time, before completing the application, the selected legal entity name can be checked using the list of agreed (reserved) names of legal entities posted on the web portal of USR.
The applicant may submit for approval 3 name versions. In this case, approval of the name will be carried out in the order as the names are indicated in the application, up to the first name that meets the requirements established by the laws. Thus, the applicant, when indicating several versions of the legal entity name, should arrange them in order according to own preference.
A regular application for approval of the legal entity name may be sent by the same applicant only after receipt of a response from the registration authority on results of the previous application consideration.
The application for approval of a legal entity name shall be sent automatically to the registration authority in accordance with its competence according to the place of residence of an applicant-individual or the place of location of an applicant-legal entity.
In cases established by the laws, scanned documents in .pdf format must be attached to the completed application (document confirming the applicant’s powers; permit for use of names and pseudonyms of well-known persons or names of legal entities in cases established by the laws).
The validaty period of the name approval certificate is 1 month.
The procedure for approval of a legal entity name is free of charge.
The legal entity name is considered approved in electronic form in case of receipt of a name approval certificate and is considered inconsistent — in case of receipt of a certificate of refusal to approve the name, signed by EDS of the authorized officer of the registration authority.
These certificates shall be sent to the applicant via email no later than one working day from the date of application.
The procedure for electronic state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs
Electronic state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs is carried out through the web portal of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs ( (hereinafter referred to as the web portal) and operates throughout the country.
In order to register a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur electronically, the applicant is required to:
- be a resident of the Republic of Belarus (these are citizens of the Republic of Belarus, as well as foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in the Republic of Belarus, legal entities established in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Belarus, located in the Republic of Belarus);
- have access to the Internet;
- to have a personal key of electronic digital signature (EDS).
Information on acquisition of EDS and requirements to software for authorization on the web portal are available on the web portal in the section “Help for work with the portal”.
Thus, through the web portal you can register:
- economic partnership and company, unitary enterprise, production cooperative, state association, peasant (farm) enterprise, association (union), consumer cooperative (ZhSPK, GSPK, gasification cooperative, etc.), gardeners’ partnerships, institution, owner partnership;
- an individual entrepreneur;
- amendments and (or) additions introduced to the constituent documents of the above-mentioned legal entities;
- amendments introduced to the certificate of state registration of an individual entrepreneur.
For example, for state registration of a created economic company, it is sufficient to have EDS at one of founders, who can be authorized by other founders to act on their behalf by granting of a power of attorney. If the number of founders is more than three, they are entitled to authorize one of them to sign an application in the document confirming their intention to create an organization (minutes of general meeting), and this document, accordingly, is submitted to the registration authority.
In addition, founders can entrust the preparation and sending of documents to the registration authority for state registration of the organization to another person who has EDS.
Applicants submitting documents for registration of economic entities electronically are exempted from payment of a state fee (clause 8.21 clause 8 of article 257 of the Tax Code of the Republic of Belarus).
The list of documents required for submission to the registration authority is similar to a personal appeal to the registration authority and is set by the Regulations on state registration of economic entities, approved by the Presidential Decree No. 1 dated January 16, 2009. When sending documents via the web portal, the documents shall be scanned in .pdf format and signed by the applicant, who sends them.
Confirmation of state registration of an economic entity are signed by EDS of an officer of the registration authority transaction notification, as well as electronic documents indicating the state registration (the charter with a stamp indicating the state registration, and the certificate of state registration).
At the same time, the charter (constituent agreement) of a legal entity with a stamp and a certificate of state registration on paper can be issued to the registration authority upon personal application of the applicant (the applicant’s representative, if there are documents confirming his/her powers).
Procedure for sending of electronic notifications
In accordance with clause 22 of the Regulations on state registration of economic entities, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated January 16, 2009 No. 1, legal entities in case of change of their location or appointment of (replacement) of the head shall be obliged within ten working days from the date of the above-mentioned events to send the relevant notification to the registration authority.
It can also be done through the web portal, if there is a personal key of electronic digital signature (EDS).
Please note that these notifications can be signed only by EDS issued to the head of the legal entity (not to the deputy head, accountant, economist, etc.).
From February 26, 2018 the right to submit electronic documents to the registration authority for state registration of economic entities has been granted to notaries. So, in particular, the notary may through the USR web portal send documents for state registration of:
- a legal entity;
- amendments and additions introduced to the charter (constituent agreement — for commercial organizations acting only on the basis of the constituent agreement) of a legal entity;
- an individual entrepreneur;
- amendments introduced to the certificate of state registration of an individual entrepreneur.
You can appeal to any notary, regardless of the applicant’s place of residence (legal entity’s location). At the same time, the amount of a notarial fee for commission of the considered notary event makes up 90% of the amount of the state fee paid by the economic entity when submitting documents to the registration authority personally.
Online filling in applications and notifications on state registration of economic entities
On the open part of the web portal of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs (you can visit it without an EDS key) you can find a service allowing you to fill in online forms of various applications (notifications) using the so-called “prompts” for their subsequent personal submission to the registration authority.
When filling in applications (notifications) on the web portal, applications (notifications) get an identification code (document number, generated on, which is indicated at the end of the application (notification) below the date.
When the applicant appeals to the registration authority with the application filled in on the web portal, its number allows the registration authority’s employee to automatically enter the information contained in the application (notification) into the USR database.
Filling in applications (notifications) through the web portal makes it possible to save time both of the applicant and of the registrar, to avoid mistakes in filling in applications and improves the quality of documents submitted to the registration authority.
In order to use this service, it is necessary on the portal to visit the section “Preparation of documents” and select an application (notification) required for filling in.
Obtaining information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs through the web portal
Furnishing of information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs according to the laws is an administrative procedure carried out on the basis of the request and document confirming payment of a state fee (according to the Tax Code of the Republic of Belarus — 1 basic amount for 1 extract copy).
Currently, through the USR web portal, you can send to the Ministry of Justice a request (application) for furnishing of information from the USR in electronic format.
For this purpose the applicant shall:- fill in an application on the web portal;
- pay the state fee through the use of the automated information system of the United Payment and Information Space (ERIP).
In order to pay the state fee for furnishing of information from the USR via the ERIP using the Internet banking system a legal entity will need to use a corporate bank card.
The extract original, signed by the authorized person of the Ministry of Justice, shall be issued to the person concerned or sent via mail, and the electronic version of the extract shall also be sent to the email address of the applicant.
Please note that persons exempted in accordance with the laws from payment of a state fee for furnishing information from the USR, cannot use this service.
The USR web portal currently allows you to check the status (existence) of any legal entity and individual entrepreneur contained in the USR.
The above is also true of such organizational and legal forms as banks, republican public-private associpartnershipsations, funds, arbitration courts, bar associations, law firms, the Belarusian notarial chamber, organizations providing mediation, as well as political parties and other public associations, their unions (associations), unions (associations) by type(s) of sports created with the participation of a public association (public associations).
In order to use this service, you need to visit the section “Furnishing of information from USR”, select the subsection “Check the existence of an economic entity” and according to the name (individual entrepreneur) and (or) the registration number (UNP) to search for the entity required.
As a result of search, the following information shall be issued in relation to the requested economic entity: registration number, name (firm, full, abbreviated), registration date, registration authority (to which the entity currently belongs), entity state (active, in the process of liquidation, bankruptcy procedure, excluded from the USR, termination of activities as a result of reorganization) and the date of removal from the USR (in the case of removal of the entity from the USR);
- In accordance with the requirement of part one of clause 14 of the Regulations on Liquidation (Termination of Activities) of Economic Entities, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated January 16, 2009 No. 1, the Ministry of Justice posts on the Internet the list the legal entities (individual entrepreneurs) liquidated under simplified procedure by the decision of the registration authority.
This information is available both on the official website of the Ministry of Justice ( and on the USR website.