The tax and customs benefits are provided to a FEZ “Vitebsk” resident company in compliance with the legislature of the Republic of Belarus for the entire duration of the investment project implementation.
1. Income tax – 0%.
The income from the disposal of goods (works, services) produced by the resident company is exempt from the income tax.
2. No payment for the land lease.
On condition that the land is being provided to the resident company for the purposes of construction and maintenance of real property assets on this land.
3. Land tax – 0%.
Resident companies are exempt from the land tax in the following cases:
land plots within the FEZ territory that are provided to companies upon registering as a FEZ resident for the purpose of constructing new facilities, starting from the quarter of the registration date and including the quarter when the last facility meant to be constructed on the provided land is accepted into service, but no longer than 5 years starting from the quarter of the registration date.
- land plots of FEZ residents within a FEZ territory regardless of the designated purpose. This benefit is provided from the 1st day of the 1st
month till the last day of the 3rd month of the quarter if in the quarter immediately prior to this one the FEZ resident conducted a sale of their goods (works, services) that are subject to the FEZ preferential treatment.
4. Property tax – 0%.
FEZ residents are exempt from property tax:
for 3 years starting from the quarter of the company registration as a FEZ resident with regards to the taxable property located within the territory of a corresponding FEZ that were acquired (constructed) within this 3-year period regardless of its designated purpose. This benefit is not applied to the taxable property that was rented (leased) to/by the FEZ resident, gratis or otherwise;
- with regards to the taxable property located within the territory of the corresponding FEZ regardless of the designated purpose. The benefit is provided for a quarter if in the quarter immediately prior to this one the FEZ resident conducted a sale of the goods (works, services) that are subject to the FEZ preferential treatment.
5. Exemption from import customs fees and taxes.
FEZ residents are exempt from paying import customs fees and taxes for raw materials that are placed under a free customs zone (FCZ) in case the final product is being exported outside EAEU.
The goods placed and used within an FCZ are exempt from customs fees and taxes.
FEZ residents do not pay customs (import) VAT with regard to the goods placed under a customs procedure of the release for domestic use and produced from foreign goods that are placed under an FCZ.
6. Exemption from loss compensation
The losses suffered the agriculture and the forestry are not compensated if the agricultural and forest lands are removed for the purposes of:
implementation of an investment project within FEZ borders by a FEZ resident;
- construction and maintenance of transport and engineering infrastructure within FEZ borders.
7. Exemption from compensatory implantation and compensatory payments.
FEZ resident companies are not subject to compensatory implantation and compensatory payments for removing/transferring fauna during construction within FEZ borders, stipulated in the investment project and have the right to remove and transfer fauna.